Psychology of Disease

Posted February 9th, 2010 in Psychology of Disease by Rebecca Lane

Finally, I finished the essay for Nutrition and the Environment. I thought I would never get through it. But then my beautiful friend Maria sent me an email entitled K.I.S.S. – Keep it Simple Silly (I probably would have said stupid – but there you go. This shows how truly beautiful this friend is!) and it made me really look at what I’m doing.My next assignment is on addictions – and I can tell you right now, without even filling out any questionnaires, that I’m addicted to perfection. I have been spending so much time on finishing assignments, readings and preparing for tests, that I seem to have forgotten the importance of spending time with my family and friends. Especially my friends. They seem to have fallen out the window since school started a year ago. I’m exhausted from trying to juggle everything – feeding everyone, keeping the house tidy, getting the kids to after school events (yes – I know its usually hockey but Emily requires Mom’s taxi often too).Maria asked a very relevant question: Who’s approval are we trying to gain at this point in our lives? I was stumped. I’m not sure. What is being given up in the pursuit of perfection? In my constant striving? What moments have been lost that can never be regained? What time have I lost that could have been spent with my children, husband and friends?I’ve been journalling about this question lots over the last couple of days. Haven’t come up with any definitive answers but know one thing. If I let go of all of this constant striving, and let GOD take the driver’s seat – my life will be very different. I would never have believed in the power of the Divine even five years ago. But now I feel that power every day – not every moment of every day yet, but I’m practicing! Not striving, which is what I almost wrote, but certainly enjoying the practice.So I choose to honour my spirit and my health by letting go and letting GOD – just for today. Who knows what tomorrow will bring?Don’t I have a test or something!